In a world of ever larger firms, our team remains nimble and dedicated to a personal client service oriented culture.

Carey Blakley
Director of Research
Jeff Buck
Senior Investment Advisor
Whitney Butler
Senior Manager, Planning Services
Corey Erdoes
Senior Manager, Private Markets and Analytics
Lloyd Flood
Senior Investment Advisor
Carl Gambrell
Tajana Harrell
Family Office Associate
Betsy Harris
Director of Business Operations
Nicholas Hoffman
Cole Kliphouse
Research Analyst
Gary Martin
Michael Masters
Senior Investment Advisor
Caroline McInerney
Investment Advisor
A black and white photo of a woman
Meghan Pearson
Family Office Advisor
A woman with curly hair and a red shirt.
Eleanor Quarles
Director of Client Services
Brian Quintana
Research Analyst
Richard Rushton
Chief Operating Officer
Kelly Schleier
Relationship Manager
Nirvanna Silva
Family Office & Investment Advisor
Cameron Simonds
Senior Investment Advisor