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That Cat Had a Pretty Smile

The market is divided between bulls and bears and the pet world is divided between cat and dog lovers. I was raised a dog person but through marriage and two daughters I have been introduced and have become accepting of the cat world. Whatever your pet of choice I saw something this week that should not have surprised me but did make me sit back and think, really? After a trip to the vet for kitty, our vet suggested that we start to brush our cat’s teeth regularly. As is the norm he provided a free sample kitty tooth brush along with a tube of ( I am not kidding) poultry flavored cat tooth paste. Great, so now in addition to her daily thyroid pill, we have to brush kitty’s teeth regularly. But wait there’s more, the coup de grace was when the vet stated ( also not kidding) that we let kitty wash her mouth out after brushing with some warm chicken broth! This all prompted me to look into the current state of the pet care industry.

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